So it's been four more days and I'm not keeping to my schedule. This is the longest I've stuck with any blog ever though so I take solace in that. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather in Edmonton, let me start off with a picture of where I had dinner the other night.
The cool breeze off the beach really threw me off - i had the chills, honestly who'd of thought +27 was so cold? |
And another photo for good measure so you know I was actually there...
This is my "gee I wish it was snowing" face... :P |
This beach is a fair way from the camp. It is North of the port whereas the camp is South. If you look straight out facing east you can see the island I sailed out to the last time I was here.
To the right of the ship is the island. |
You'll notice a distinct lack of swimmers. That is for two reasons. The first is because the beach is a bit deceiving from the photos. It actually drops very steeply down where the sand ends and the waves you see were an easy 4' tall. The second is because if you swim in that you either get sucked under and slammed repeatedly into the beach OR sucked out by a crazy rip tide and eaten by sharks. Six of one half a dozen of the other I suppose. So it's not all bad but it beats the hell out of 6' of snow. :)
Anyway, now that I'm done gloating lets have a quick tour of the camp. First, let's start out with the handy MSPaint Infographic I put together a couple of weeks ago. Yes it is horrible but it provides a good reference as to where I'm shooting from.
Let there be poorly labelled MAPS! |
So lets start at the beginning. The place labelled "Live here" is 5B4 and for reference we will reuse the beautiful exterior picture from last time.
BAM! Double photo reuse! |
So that's all for today... I kid, I kid. So if you were standing in the above photo facing 5b4 and turn to the left and/or face SOUTH (that's down for those looking at the map). You would see:
And a complete 180 and you'd see.
Just to the left of this photo is the sign for my "Villa" as they call it. I suggested changing them to "concrete coffin" but they didn't seem to like that idea very much. Weird.
Croffin 5? Cell block 5? No? |
Continuing on our journey of sarcasm and intrigue we're going to head north and then take our first right (that'd be SouthWest or in Mom language - "over there past the sign post in front of the tree things").
Are you impressed yet? MORE gravel and green things. Pay close attention to the sign on the left side you can just see, we're going there next. |
BAM! We made a left - were you paying attention? |
The above is the pathway to the mess hall, tiki bar, pool, courts, etc.. essentially everything that matters (food) is this way. That is the path you can see in my handy MSPaintInfographic(TM) waaay up top that leads East / SouthEast from the road that runs SouthWest.
This is bush facing in some direction. There are 1.5 million spiders in this photo waiting to eat you. |
More path, again heading towards the mess hall. |
What's this? A wild Tiki bar has appeared! I didn't snap any other photos because there were people there and it would be ultra creepy. I will take some later. |
This is the mess hall (the large building you can see south of the pool in the map up top). To the left is the pool house and then to the left of that is the pool. Again - no real pics as people were sun bathing and nobody wants to see creepy old dudes in speedos... Except maybe you Jake.
This is the basketball court they recently refinished. In the aerial shot you will see it to the East of the mess hall looking like a tennis court. Everyone decided that tennis is for sissies so they turned it into a basketball court that nobody uses. We play street hockey on it as the lord intended. |
Our journey now leaves the map above and takes us further east on the path to the management village. It is very exciting - more of the same bush and path. Wooooo. If you are still reading this you are truly dedicated I feel as if I should include something to reward you for your patience... hmm....
Woooo path! |
As a reward here is a picture of a giant woodfire oven Pizza that I ate. It was AMAZING. It cost a whopping ~18,000 MGA or $9. |
And along with that Pizza is the greatest beer ever - THB. This is basically three regular bottles of beer in one. 2000 MGA or $1. NOMNOMNOM. |
Anyway - CONGRATULATIONS INTREPID BLOG ADVENTURER! More path walking takes you to the gates to the village. Pictured below.
It's pretty amazing. A fence and everything! |
If you looked on the google map at the camp this gate is just west of the river that runs North/South between the Ops Camp and the village.
If you teleport about 15 minutes back down the path and walk North for a while you come to the east side of the camp heading towards the pitch and putt. Don't panic.
Landscaping between the "villas". 7.8 billion spiders in this photo. |
This one is for Tomsen. Malagasi Ford Rice. Hot. |
We're still heading North.
The road to the future is rusty... and lame. |
Pitch & Putt - the grass was last cut sometime in October. You can see it gets a lot of use (no). |
Fairway #1. If I played this course someone in camp would die when I accidentally hit them with a ball. Best I stick to photography. |
Coming back out of the totally awesome Pitch & Putt and heading West down the road to get back to my room you can see the beautiful plant in all it's splendor.
This is probably illegal and in violation of 1.4 million policies but you can see it on Google for god's sake. |
These things make up the majority of the fleet here. Hyundai Tucson CRDI - they are peppy little diesels actually. I have no idea why they don't bring tiny diesel powered things to North America. Probably something to do with tree hugging hippy Californian environmental regulations. Blah. |
That pretty much completes our tour of the camp. Pretty exciting I know. If you've come this far I will reward you with a couple of more pictures.
Geck-what? Geck-who? GECK-OOOOO! |
What's French, has four doors, and is a giant ugly piece of crap? You guessed it - a Citroen! The lady in the back ground totally gave me a horrible look, I tried to explain I was taking a picture of the car but I don't think she believed me. |
And just in case you missed it - this is me, at the beach, on December 9th. Mwuahahahahhahaha. |
Very nice, looks better than the camp in Saudi, a lot greener at least.
ReplyDeleteNever say bad about deux chevaux (2CV) they are uniquely french!
See you soon
Certainly more greenery but there was definitely more to do at the camp in Saudi. Or maybe that's just cause I was a kid that it seemed that way.
DeleteUniquely French - AKA garbage. There are a TON of them down here. It's hilarious. Usually broken.
Thanks for the update
ReplyDeleteCan tell you really miss the snow
It will still be here when you get back for Christmas
See you then
I actually miss snowboarding but the cold can bugger off. :)
DeleteSee you at xmas!