So today was my first full day in Madagascar and first day altogether at the office but technically my fourth since leaving home. I'm happy to report a minimal amount of Jet Lag thus far... I am holding off on celebrating yet as it usually kicks me in the ass a few days after I arrive but so far so good. Good enough that I was able to work a 12 hour day, grab some dinner with a contractor that I know from my last project, and am still planning on going to the gym later.... We'll see how that last bit goes but no narcoleptic head in soup moments yet!
Not much to document when it comes to the day. I went in and met with the team (all people I have worked with before) and we spent some time discussing goals for the year, my role, etc. Then came some HR stuff in getting my permanent badge and doing induction training - NEWSFLASH: H2S is STILL dangerous! - I followed up that intellectually thrilling exercise by getting my new work laptop, monitor, phone, blackberry, etc.
A brief geeky interlude - they run Dell as the standard hardware supplier here for laptops/desktops. It's been a while since I've had my hands on a Dell product and thus far I've been blown away by the quality of the Latitude product. It feels better in my hands than my trusty old ThinkPad. We'll see how it lasts over the course of the year. Thus far though I am quite pleased.
The rest of the day was filled with work believe it or not. The team is great and my boss and I have been on the same page when it comes to expectations for a while so I've been able to jump right in. Definitely feeling a bit lucky there.
Dinner tonight was an oven baked flat bread Margarita pizza and a couple of THB's with the contract fellow in from Toronto. For those wondering what the hell a THB is it is the hilariously awesome Three Horses Beer a locally brewed can of awesome ( I use awesome very lightly.
On the way back from dinner at the door to the room I was greeted by this little fella on the mat out front. Frog legs anyone?
I really really enjoy your list of crap you forgot to bring. And I think you should make friends with the frog and name it Pendleton.